Mural art, street art and graffiti.

We are the main promoters of these types of art in Iasi, revitalizing the city and creating opportunities of expression for local artists. We believe this type of art is extremely beneficial for our contemporary urban environment, art in public spaces being a great way to facilitate

We bring together 30+ years of experience in these artistic fields, from accomplished master's degree holder mural artists to local graffiti legends and everything in between.

Most of our projects include the component of mural and urban art derivates from graffiti. We showcase the skills of a new generation of artists, setting good examples for them, mixing the streets with social awareness.

In the same time, through this platform we want to inform people about the particularities between these 3 artforms, familiarizing them online, as well as in real life, on the streets of Iasi and far beyond, and how it can benefit the place they live in.

And not least, to come to the help pf those who are searching for a way to give life to a wall in neighborhood, business or home.

Astfel lucrari am realizat în proiectele:

Tinerii revitalizează cARTierul Podu Roș

Parteneri: Artiști implicați: Click pe numele lor pentru a le accesa paginile DETALIIPROIECT Obiective Rezultate Link-uri externe – (H)Arta Urbană a…