Asociația Artipic

Civic Attitude, Aptitude, Artitude!

Who are
the artipics?

Artipic Association is a nongovernmental,
nonprofit, organization founded in 2019, formed from active members on the creative industries scene, national and even international.

Pe o parte ne cunoști deja ca artști independenți sau ca foști și actuali membri ai grupurilor Hubrica sau Focus Pocus.

The vision of Artipic Association is to make a change in society through art and civic involvement.More precisely, we propose to change the way the ordinary citizen relates and interacts with what is happening around him/her: whether we talk about public space, citizen involvement, politics, environment or culture at global scale.




Values and objectives

  1. Increasing the level of information of the general public on the fields of art and civic involvement.
  2. Diversification of the cultural landscape, national and international.
  3. Supporting the artistic initiative of young people.
  4. Young artist representation in relation to public and private organizations
  5. Raising public awareness on certain social issues.
  6. Art promotion in the public space, especially in culturally disadvantaged areas (rural areas, marginalized neighborhoods in urban areas).


Mutual respect

Team work

În viziunea noastră fiecare om are acces la artă. Arta înconjoară și influențează comunitățile, o putem găsi peste tot, din centrele capitalelor până pe ulițele satelor.

picturi murale
metri pătrați pictați

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